SQL Heisenberg's Cloud Diaries


Hi, my name is Dzenan Dzevlan. Thank you for stopping by on my blog. I am based in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the city of Mostar. I am mostly interested in AWS and DevOps. Since I am running a local AWS user group in Bosnia with more than 400 members, I have started this blog to help our local community by writing 101 level blog posts on Bosnian language about AWS and everything related to AWS and the cloud in general (Databases, Security, DevOps).

Taking in consideration that on the Balkans (Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania …) we are all able to understand each other very well, I hope this blog will help people in our region to have a quick and productive start with AWS. I would like to say that I am an IT enthusiast who enjoys reading technical documentation, testing and experimenting with technology and approaches in the DevOps world. Besides that, I enjoy watching Breaking Bad TV show over and over again

Currently, I am working as a lead Cloud and DevOps expert at TN-TECH also I am working as a part of the production engineer team, delivering components over AWS infrastructure, for one of the top 5 major online advertising platforms in the world. I am holding several AWS and database related certificates.

Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn / Twitter or just drop me an email on dzenan.dzevlan@gmail.com